MIRUM (2018)

Le merveille que le monde nous offre sert de déclenchement a la prise de conscience de la place qu’on occupe. On s’apprête comme un page blanche, a un voyage sans temps ni espace, en acceptant la possibilité de s’imprégner des nuances qu’on rencontre sur le chemin de notre vie. Un rêve lucide, capable peut-être de nous ressembler.

“I think it is necessary to educate the new generations to the value of defeat, to the management of defeat, to the Humanity that emerges from it, to build an identity able to experience a common destiny, where you can fail and start over without your value and your dignity being undermined. to not become social elbows, to not pass over the bodies of others to finish first. In this world of vulgar and dishonest winners, false and opportunist abusers, important people occupying power and robbing the present and… let’s not talk about the future! To all of the people obsessed with success, to appear, to become…

In this anthropology of winners I prefer the ones who lose. It is an exercise that I can do well. And I’m at peace with my sacred little thing…

Rosaria Gasparro But I’m a man who prefers to lose rather than win with ways unfair and unkind. Gross negligence on my part, I know! And the most beautiful part is that I have the nerve to defend this guilt, to consider it almost a virtue.”

PierPaolo Pasolini

•Choreography : Angel Martinez Hernandez & Vito Giotta

•Creation 2018

•Piece for 2 danscers

•20 min aprox